Straight Line Persuasion Review - Is It Legit?

Straight Line Persuasion Review, Straight Line Persuasion

Full Straight Line Persuasion Review here! at

Why Does Straight Line Persuasion Work?
Everyone has a unique buying strategy and you do not know if they are:

Motivated logically
Afraid of making a bad choice
Motivated emotionally
Have a limiting belief to buying
Everyone also has different beliefs about buying and if you wish to sell someone something you need to ask questions to identify what those beliefs are:

“I’m afraid of making a mistake”

“I don’t buy unless the risk/reward ratio is heavily in my favor”

“I don’t buy from people or companies I don’t know and trust”

In addition, many people have learned to distrust salespeople and have been burnt by salespeople.

Because you do not know what it’s going to take, you need to do everything:

Create an airtight logical case
Create an airtight emotional case
Break through their limited buying beliefs
Build up enough positive beliefs and reasons to buying
Eliminate all of their reasons not to buy
Having them admit that they should be buying
Once you do this you will have boxed them in, and in order to say NO they will essentially be forced to go against their own beliefs and contradict themselves.

PS: It’s a lie that people do not purchase on logic. People DO purchase on logic. Not just on emotion. Even if your customer/client does purchase purely based on emotion in the moment, they will often renege and change their mind later and ask for a refund. So you need to create an airtight logical case as to why someone should buy your product...

Full Straight Line Persuasion Review here! at

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