Would you like to find out more about the BitPanda cryptocurrency exchange, and whether or not you can really trust this exchange with your money? Bitpanda, which was formerly known as Coinimal, is a crypto company from Vienna, Austria.
We found out about this service while searching for services that offer buying/selling cryptocurrencies services in Europe using credit/debit cards. However, what we found was more than that and upon further research understood that this platform is worth looking into in detail. It is one of the most prominent crypto brokers that has been buying and selling cryptocurrencies in the European region since 2014.
Full BitPanda Review here! at https://scamorno.com/BitPanda-Review/?id=blogger
You can choose any payment option that appeals to you and starts trading cryptocurrencies on Bitpanda once the verification is complete. Or if you are a crypto Whale, you can trade on the Bitpanda platform using their Bitpanda Plus service. This service also provides you with access to their OTC service where one can trade currencies at higher volumes (above €1 Million)...
Full BitPanda Review here! at https://scamorno.com/BitPanda-Review/?id=blogger
We found out about this service while searching for services that offer buying/selling cryptocurrencies services in Europe using credit/debit cards. However, what we found was more than that and upon further research understood that this platform is worth looking into in detail. It is one of the most prominent crypto brokers that has been buying and selling cryptocurrencies in the European region since 2014.
What Exactly is The BitPanda All About?
Bitpanda is a 100% automated platform. As soon as buyers/sellers pay the required amounts, appropriate currencies are delivered. They are predominately active in Europe with several secure payment options about which we will discuss later.Who Are Bitpanda's Founders?
Bitpanda’s founding members are above, Eric Demuth, Paul Klanschek and Christian Trummer are cryptocurrency enthusiasts. In 2013, during one of the largest Bitcoin waves, they had to witness first-hand how hard it still was to acquire cryptocurrencies in Europe. This deficiency in the market led to the idea of Bitpanda, and after a long coordination, phase in consultation with the local authorities, Bitpanda was created as Coinimal GmbH in December 2014.Full BitPanda Review here! at https://scamorno.com/BitPanda-Review/?id=blogger
How Do You Start Trading On BitPanda?
Getting started on Bitpanda is very easy and similar to any fiat linked crypto service. But for now it can be broken into these couple of steps:- The first part of the verification requires the following information from you: a mobile number accepted by them, an email address and personal data.
- The verification also includes of a video identification procedure. This is done by their partner companies. You can choose the options between IdentityTM and IDNow, and you will be connected to the appropriate provider immediately after selecting your available document.
- Next, the verification requires a stable Internet connection, a smartphone or webcam, and an accepted photo ID. A driving license is not required for the verification.
You can choose any payment option that appeals to you and starts trading cryptocurrencies on Bitpanda once the verification is complete. Or if you are a crypto Whale, you can trade on the Bitpanda platform using their Bitpanda Plus service. This service also provides you with access to their OTC service where one can trade currencies at higher volumes (above €1 Million)...
Full BitPanda Review here! at https://scamorno.com/BitPanda-Review/?id=blogger
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